Monday, August 2, 2010

30 Random Things I Want to Teach My Children

1. Don't put metal in the microwave.
2. Look both ways before crossing the street.
3. Do your best in school, but don't stress over it too much.
4. Your is possessive, and you're is the contraction of you and are.
5. To, too, and two mean different things.
6. You can tell your mom anything.
7. Life is much easier if you can live it debt free.
8. The benefits of being generous and charitable can’t be overrated.
9. Make sure you cook chicken thoroughly.
10. Use the blinker in your car. It is there for a reason.
11. You can be anything you want to be, and you can change your mind about what it is that you want to be at any time.
12. It’s fun to sing in the shower.
13. Enjoying your work is more important than making a lot of money.
14. Sushi is amazing.
15. It is okay to go to bed angry sometimes, but it is never okay to resort to name calling.
16. Wear clothes that are flattering and comfortable for you. Don't worry so much about the latest trends.
17. Reading is fun.
18. Take care of your body. It is the only one you will ever have.
19. Smile. It makes you happy even if you don't start off that way.
20. Most things are not as important in the long run as you think they are.
21. Respect your elders. They know more than you do even if you think they are too old to understand.
22. Success isn't defined by your bank account.
23. Separate your darks from your lights when doing laundry.
24. Anyone can paint and draw. Anyone.
25. Be careful what you say because you never know who is listening.
26. Don't take yourself too seriously.
27. More than 3 alcoholic drinks rarely ends well.
28. Tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it.
29. Always pay off your credit card balance. The interest rates are highway robbery.
30. Laughter really is the best medicine.

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