Thursday, July 29, 2010

Crazy Busy Week

So this has been a really crazy week for us, but it had totally been crazy in a good way. First of all, we bought a house. We officially closed last Thursday, so we have spent the last week cleaning and moving and doing all of the fun stuff (like buying new shower curtains) and drudgery (like hanging up said shower curtains) that comes with new digs. We have almost emptied out the house we were renting, but I am not sure where all of our junk is going to go. Our new house is a bit smaller than the old one so I think quite a few craft supplies and toys aren't going to make the cut. Oh well, I have been trying to reduce our clutter for some time now anyway. Now I have a really good excuse to get rid of the paper making kit that I have had for at least 5 years but never used.

The next crazy thing we have done is bought a new van. Our old one was on its last leg, and we had to trade it in before it completely died. I guess I have been out of the loop in terms of what cars can do these days because I am way too impressed with the hands-free car/phone thing going on. It is really cool as long the children aren't yelling "confirm" whenever I try to dial a number.

On top of all of that, Riley has been going to art camp this week. I am not sure exactly what he has been making except for googoo eyes at a little girl named Lily. Maybe she is serving as his muse. Who knows about the love life of a five year old!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Time For a New Blog

Well, I figure it is about time for a new blog. Things have changed quite a bit since I last poured my thoughts into one of these things - most notably, I have had two more children and moved to Oklahoma (where the wind comes sweepin' down the plain). If you happen to be interested in the old one, you can check it out here. Please pardon the color scheme, I'm not sure what I was thinking.

I guess I should probably explain the title a little bit. Sarah and Riley found a little toad in our new backyard the other day. While it was quivering in the corner of the patio, Riley shouts out, "Does anyone here speak frog?" Besides being really funny, the comment seemed like an appropriate metaphor for my life right now - like everyone around me speaks English and I speak frog. Or maybe it's the other way around. Maybe it's just been a long time since I spoke fluent 5 year old or toddler.